2020-05-09 09:18  

文本框:  陈渊 教授

教育背景 博士

研究领域 理论物理

研究方向 磁性物理、统计物理

电子邮箱 chenyuan@gzhu.edu.cn

所在系所 物理系、广东省半导体照明与背光工程技术研究中心

办公地点 行政西前座402





主要从事低维磁性物理、统计物理现象。作为主要成员承担国家自然科学基金项目三项、省基金二项、省科技项目二项。已发表论文有48篇,其中以第一作者发表或通讯作者的SCI收录论文25篇。担任《Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials》、《Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter》和《Applied Ocean Research》等国际刊物的审稿人。获2013广州市优秀教师2012-2013学年广州大学“优秀教师”。





1.  物理与电子工程学院优质生源基地的建设,广州大学创建“优质生源基地”项目(2017-2018 


1.  几何受限磁体中skyrmion态的新物理效应及其动力学研究,广州市属高校科研项目(2017-2018


1.  Wen-An Li, Yuan Chen, Simplified proposal for realizing a multiqubit tunable phase gate in circuit QED, Journal of the Optical Society of America B,2017. 34: 1560.

2.  Wen-An Li, Xiao-Shi Li, Jin-Jiang Huang, Cai-Mei Pan, Zhi-Feng Chen and Yuan Chen, Controllable single-photon transport in one-dimensional coupled-resonator waveguide coupled to two nanocavities interacting with atoms, Journal of the Optical Society of America B, 2017. 34: 82.

3.  Songqiu Yin, Chen Yuan, Influence of next-nearest neighbor interaction on low temperature properties of the spin-1/2 one-dimensional ferromagnetic XY model,International Journal of Modern Physics B, 2015, 29: 1550225.

4.  Liao Lei, Chen Yuan, Spin-wave theory applied to the low-temperature properties of the spin-1/2 ferromagnetic chain with the y-direction exchange anisotropy. Superlattices and Microstructures, 2014, 73: 82.

5.  Chen Yuan, Wu You. The low-temperature properties of the spin-one Heisenberg antiferromagnetic chain with the single-ion anisotropy. Solid State Communications, 2013, 159: 49.

6.  Pu Qiurong, Chen Yuan. The field-induced laws of thermodynamic properties in the two-dimensional spin-1 ferromagnetic Heisenberg model with the exchange and single-ion anisotropies. Physica B, 2013, 410: 74.


