2023-10-31 09:18  

       王锋 教授

      教育背景  博士

      研究领域  天文学、天文技术与方法、计算机应用技术

      研究方向  海量天文数据处理、射电干涉阵成像与校准、虚拟天文台、远镜控制技术

      电子邮箱 fengwang@gzhu.edu.cn

  所在系所 天文系 物理与材料科学学院














1.  “低频射电干涉阵列的高精度校准方法”, 科技部SKA专项(1382万元),2020.12-2025.11,主持

2.  “SKA宽视场高动态成像数据处理关键技术研究”,国家自然科学基金重点项目(293万元),2020-2022,主持

3.  “SKA时代射电干涉阵高精度成像”, 国家自然科学基金国际交流与合作项目(160万元),2020-2022,主持

4.  “中国SKA数据中心原型系统执行框架研究”,科技部重点研发项目子课题(194万元),2018-2023,主持

5.  “海量天文数据智能处理与分析关键技术研究“,市校联合资助基础研究项目(100万元),2023-2025,主持

6.  “云环境下射电干涉阵海量数据处理框架关键技术研究”, 国家天文台-阿里云天文大数据联合研究,2018-2020,主持

7.  “NVST观测调度系统关键技术研究”,国家自然科学基金项目(50万元),2017-2019,主持

8.  “移动与可穿戴计算中Eyes-Free交互界面研究”, 国家自然科学基金项目(45万元),2015-2018,主持

9.  “新一代厘米-分米波射电日像仪数据处理分析系统关键技术研究与实现”, 国家自然科学基金重点项目(260万元),2013-2016,主持

10.  “虚拟天文台科学工作流及相关关键技术研究”, 国家自然科学基金项目(23万元),2009-2011,主持

11.  “触控技术中的界面范式与交互关键技术研究”,国家自然科学基金项目(23万元),2011-2013,主持



1.      Xie, Y. F., Wang, F.*, Deng, H., Mei, Y., Lü, Y. H. C., Hodosán, G., ... & Cornwell, T., 2022. WS-Snapshot: an effective algorithm for wide-field and large-scale imaging. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 515(2), 1973-1981.

2.      Chi, H., Wang, F., Wang, W., Deng, H., & Li, Z. , 2023. Blind Search of the Solar Neighborhood Galactic Disk within 5 kpc: 1179 New Star Clusters Found in Gaia DR3. The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, 266(2), 36.

3.      Zheng, Z., Cao, Z., Deng, H., Mei, Y., Tan, L., & Wang, F., 2023. Searching for Double-line Spectroscopic Binaries in the LAMOST Medium-resolution Spectroscopic Survey with Deep Learning. The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, 266(2), 18.

4.     Lin, J., Wang, F.*, Deng, L., Deng, H., Mei, Y., & Xie, Y., 2022. The Temporal and Spatial Behaviors of CME Occurrence Rate at Different Latitudes. The Astrophysical Journal, 932(1): 62.

5.     Yang, Q. P., Wang, F., Deng, H., Mei, Y., & Wang, W., 2022. A Study on Non-coplanar Baseline Effects for Mingantu Spectral Radioheliograph. Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics, 22(10), 105010.

6.     Li, W., Cao, Z., Deng, H., Mei, Y., Chen, L., & Wang, F., 2023. A Robust RFI Identification Method for Radio Interferometry Based on LightGBM. Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 134(1042), 124503.

7.      Deng, Q. W., Wang, F.*, Deng, H., Mei, Y., Li, J., Smirnov, O., & Guo, S. G. (2022). Performance evaluation of baseline-dependent averaging based on full-scale SKA1-LOW simulation. Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics, 22(4), 045014.

8.     Sun, H., Deng, H., Wang, F., Mei, Y., Xu, T., Smirnov, O., ... & Wei, S., 2022. A robust RFI identification for radio interferometry based on a convolutional neural network. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 512(2), 2025-2033.

9.     Xu, Tingting; Liu, Chao; Wang, Feng * ; Huang, Weirong; Deng, Hui; Mei, Ying; Cao, Zhong; A Catalog of LAMOST Variable Sources Based on Time-domain Photometry of ZTF, The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, 2022, 259(1):11.

10.  Mei, Y., Wei, S., Wang, F.*, Wu, C., Tobar, R., Shaikh, M., ... & Wicenec, A., 2022. An empirical evaluation on the applicability of the DALiuGE execution framework. Astronomy and Computing, 38, 100541.

11.  Tan, L., Mei, Y., Liu, Z., Luo, Y., Deng, H., Wang, F., ... & Liu, C., 2022. A Robust Identification Method for Hot Subdwarfs Based on Deep Learning. The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, 259(1), 5.

12.  Deng, Zheng; Wang, Feng * ; Deng, Hui; Tan, Lei; Deng, Linhua; Feng, Song; Fine-grained Solar Flare Forecasting Based on the Hybrid Convolutional Neural Networks, The Astrophysical Journal, 2021, 922(2)232.

13.  Wei, Shou-Lin; Luo, Kai-Da; Wang, Feng * ; Deng, Hui; Mei, Ying; Fine-grained distributed averaging for large-scale radio interferometric measurement sets, Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics, 2021, 21(4)0-080.

14.  Shi, Cong-Ming; Deng, Hui; Wang, Feng * ; Mei, Ying; Guo, Shao-Guang; Yang, Chen; Wu, Chen; Wei, Shou-Lin; Wicenec, Andreas; Enhanced remote astronomical archive system based on the file-level Unlimited Sliding-Window technique, Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics, 2021, 21(10)253.

15.  Liu, Cuiyin; Xu, Jishang; Wang, Feng * ; A Review of Keypoints’ Detection and Feature Description in Image Registration, Scientific Programming, 2021.

16.  Zhang, Li * ; Mi, Li-Gong; Xu, Long; Zhang, Ming; Li, Dan-Yang; Liu, Xiang; Wang, Feng; Xiao, Yi-Fan; Zhong-Zu Wu; Adaptive scale model reconstruction for radio synthesis imaging, Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics, 2021, 21(3)0-063.

17.  Xu, Y., Huang, W., Deng, H., Mei, Y., & Wang, F.*, 2020. A Hybrid Method of Accurate Classification for Blazars of Uncertain Type in Fermi-LAT Catalogs. The Astrophysical Journal, 895(2), 133.

18.  Huang, W., Xie, Z., Zhong, W., Mei, Y., Deng, H., Liu, Y., & Wang, F.*, 2020. Robust Automated Photometry Pipeline for Blurred Images. Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 132(1013), 075001.

19.  Deng, H., Mei, Y., & Wang, F.*, 2020. Periodic variation and phase analysis of grouped solar flare with sunspot activity. Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics, 20(2), 022.

20.  Deng, L. H., Fei, Y., Deng, H., Mei, Y., & Wang, F.*, 2020. Spatial distribution of quasi-biennial oscillations in high-latitude solar activity. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 494(4), 4930-4938.

21.  Deng, L. H., Zhang, X. J., Deng, H., Mei, Y., & Wang, F.*, 2020. Systematic regularity of solar coronal rotation during the time interval 1939–2019. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 491(1), 848-857.

22.  Deng, L. H., Zhang, X. J., Li, G. Y., Deng, H., & Wang, F.* (2019). Phase and amplitude asymmetry in the quasi-biennial oscillation of solar Hα flare activity. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 488(1), 111-119.

23.  Dai, W., & Wang, F.* (2019). Study on processing performance of a dpdk and gpu combined pulsar data reduction system. International Journal of Mechatronics and Applied Mechanics, (6), 213-224.

24.  Wang, F., Deng, H., Li, B., Feng, S., Bai, X., Deng, L., Yang, Y., Xue, Z. and Wang, R., 2018. High-frequency Oscillations in the Atmosphere above a Sunspot Umbra. The Astrophysical Journal Letters, 856(1), p.L16.

25.  Mei, Y., Deng, H. and Wang, F.*, 2018. On midrange periodicities in solar radio flux and sunspot areas. Astrophysics and Space Science, 363(4), p.84.

26.  Mei, Y., Wang, F.*, Wang, W., Chen, L., Liu, Y., Deng, H., Dai, W., Liu, C. and Yan, Y., 2017. GPU-Based High-performance Imaging for Mingantu Spectral RadioHeliograph. Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 130(983), p.014503.

27.    Shi, C., Wang, F., Deng, H., Liu, Y., Liu, C. and Wei, S., 2017. High-performance negative database for massive data management system of the mingantu spectral radioheliograph. Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 129(978), p.084501.



1.      Big Data in Astronomy: Scientific Data Processing for Advanced Radio Telescopes 1st Edition, ISBN-13: 978-0128190845, Chapter 9 and 10.


1. 王锋;刘应波;邓辉,分布式海量数据处理方法和装置,2022-4-1,中国,CN108256076B.

2. 王锋; 梅盈; 邓辉;刘应波;王金;戴伟;梁波, 射电天文存储一致性保障方法、装置、系统及存储介质,2022-3-18,中国, CN112637268B.

3. 曹忠; 孙浩民;王锋, 一种用于极弱射频干扰的标记方法、系统和存储介质,2021-5-14,中国, 202110527544.3.

4. 梅盈; 孙浩明;李伟杰, 一种用于射频干扰的标记方法、系统和存储介质,2021-5-14,中国, 202110527541.X. (申请)

5. 王锋; 梅盈; 邓辉, 射电天文数据多点同步复制方法、装置、服务器及存储介质,2020-11-6,中国, 202011344618.1. (申请)

6. 梅盈; 王锋; 邓辉, 射电天文数据存储性能优化方法、装置、服务器及存储介质,2020-11-25,中国, 202011333571. (申请)


