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发布时间:2015-12-15            编辑:shenyiqiang           审核人:

15日(周二)下午2:00在理学实验楼717报告厅由University College LondonT. Harko博士和Hong Kong Polytechnic UniversityLeung Chun Sing博士做学术报告。欢迎感兴趣的老师参加!

报告人: T. Harko (Department of Mathematics, University College London)

报告题目: Superconducting dark energy models
摘要: We present a scalar-vector-tensor gravitational model, in which the dark energy is included in the total action through a gauge invariant, electromagnetic type contribution.  In this model dark energy appears as a massive vector field, emerging from a superposition of a massless vector and a scalar field, the latter corresponding to the Goldstone boson. Two particular cosmological models, corresponding to pure electric and pure magnetic type potentials, respectively, are investigated in detail, and also confronted with Type IA Supernovae and Hubble parameter data. In the electric case good fit is obtained along a narrow inclined stripe in the Ωm−ΩV parameter plane, which includes the ΛCDM limit. In the magnetic case the cosmological test selects either i) parameter ranges of the superconducting dark energy allowing for the standard baryonic plus dark matter or ii) a unified superconducting dark matter and dark energy model, additionally including only the baryonic sector.

报告人: Dr.Leung Chun Sing (Instructor of Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Department of Applied Mathematics)

报告题目: Introduction to 21cm Cosmology
摘要: In this presentation, I will very briefly to talk about what is so called 21cm Cosmology. I will divided the talks into four subsection. It consists of what is 21cm Cosmology, science goal for 21cm Cosmology, dark age on Cosmology and how to observe it.  Apart from talking about the 21cm Cosmology, I also introduce Hong Kong Astronomical Society Theoretical Astronomical Group(TAG) in Hong Kong. Furthermore, I will introduce the Ho Koon Astronomical Observatory in Hong Kong. Finally, I will introduce the Applied Mathematics department of Hong Kong Polytechnic University.




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