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2018 FAST/Future脉冲星学术研讨会(FPS7)第一轮通知

发布时间:2018-04-09            编辑:shenyiqiang           审核人:

Announcement for FAST/Future Pulsar Symposium 7
Pulsars are not only interesting objects for us to understand various astronomical phenomena, but also testbeds for fundamental laws as well as tools for detecting nHz gravitational waves. The Annual FPS series aims to promote pulsar research, gathering pulsar astronomers to exchange ideas on recent developments, provoke discussion, and foster collaboration. FAST/Future Pulsar Symposium 7 will be held July 4-6 at Guangzhou Oriental Resort (广州鸣泉居会议中心) in Guangzhou, Guangdong Province. We cordially invite domestic and oversea experts and students in pulsar astronomy and related fields to join the symposium.
Main Topics
l   Pulsar detection and observation
l   Pulsar magnetosphere and radiation
l   Pulsar timing and nHz gravitational waves
l   Pulsar as a tool for fundamental physics
l   Pulsar as a tool for interstellar medium
l   Pulsar-related objects: magnetar, FRB and others
Guangzhou University, Peking University
Advisory Committee
Hsiang-Kuang Chang (National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu)
Biping Gong Huazhong (University of Science and Technology, Wuhan)
Longfei Hao (Yunnan Observatories, CAS, Kunming)
Yongfeng Huang (Nanjing University, Nanjing)
Stephen Ng (The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong)
Liming Song (Institute of High Energy Physics, CAS, Beijing)  
Hongguang Wang (Guangzhou University, Guangzhou)
Renxin Xu (Peking University, Beijing)
Jianping Yuan (Xinjiang Astronomical Observatory, CAS, Urumqi)
Yefei Yuan (University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei)
Youling Yue (National Astronomical Observatories, CAS, Beijing)
Zhen Yan (Shanghai Astronomical Observatory, CAS, Shanghai)
Li Zhang (Yunnan University, Kunming)
Xiaoping Zheng (Central China Normal University, Wuhan)
Online registration and hotel reservation are accepted via email. See the webpage http://psr.pku.edu.cn/FPS/FPS7/FPS7.html for details.
Important Dates
l   Deadline for online registration and hotel reservation: May 8, 2018
l   Deadline for submission of abstracts: May 31, 2018
l   Meeting: July 4-6, 2018 (Spot registration: July 4 morning)
l   Deadline for submission of proceeding manuscript: October 31, 2018
Mr. Wenjun Huang, 18819425938, wjhuang@e.gzhu.edu.cn
Mrs. Wensheng Tan, 13342885393
Dr. Hongguang Wang, 13719496279, hgwang@gzhu.edu.cn



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