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2018学术论坛之八——Excited by Light

发布时间:2018-05-01            编辑:shenyiqiang           审核人:

报告题目:Excited by Light

报告人:Arkady Yartsev教授(瑞典隆德大学)



摘要:Solar-energy driven technology is one of the most important and promising directions of research due to unlimited nature of this energy source in contrast to expected shortage of traditional resources and severe environment issues of current global economy. Thus, light-driven processes in technological materials as well as fundamental scientific questions related to light-matter interaction and light-induced processes attract enormous interest in the research community around the world. Time-resolved spectroscopy is a powerful and unique approach to study dynamics of light driven processes as this is currently the only approach to reach temporal resolution on femtosecond (10-15s) time scale relevant for many fast processes that often control the overall performance of opto-electronic and electro-optical devices. I my talk, I will introduce the research approach of ultra-fast time-resolved spectroscopy and give a short overview of different time-resolved techniques. I will also present several applications of this approach related to novel photovoltaic materials as well as to fundamental processes in various materials and molecules. I will focus on the importance of combining different techniques for resolving complex dynamic behaviour of several light-driven systems. Specifically, electron injection and charge recombination in organic dye-sensitized electrodes for DSSC; radiative and non-radiative charge recombination in III-V semiconductor nanowires, charge mobility and mechanical characterization of perovskite single crystals and the role of coherence in barrier-less photo-isomerization will be discussed.

报告人简介:Arkady Yartsev教授现为瑞典隆德大学(世界百强大学)终身教授,是半导体物理领域和激光光谱领域的国际知名专家。Arkady Yartsev教授是化学物理系的学术带头人之一,其本人长期从事激光光谱技术、半导体材料中的相干声子动力学、光电功能材料(包括有机聚合物和小分子太阳能电池材料,染料敏化太阳能电池材料,半导体纳米结构材料等)的光电转换机制、光化学反应的激光相干控制等领域的研究,取得了突出的研究成果,具有重要国际影响。Arkady Yartsev教授已发表高质量SCI论文150余篇,文章已被引用~8300余次,其中近五年,年均引用˃800次,H因子48i10因子108(数据源于Google scholar)。


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