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2019学术论坛之九——Numerical simulation of black hole accretion and wind

发布时间:2019-04-11            编辑:shenyiqiang           审核人:


题目: Numerical simulation of black hole accretion and wind

报告人:袁峰研究员 (中国科学院上海天文台)




摘要:Black hole is very common in the universe. The gas surrounding it falls onto it due to its strong gravitational force, this process is called black hole accretion. Black hole accretion is a fundamental physical process in astrophysics and plays an important role in active galactic nuclei,black hole X-ray binaries, Gamma-ray bursts, and tidal disruption events. Many important progresses have been made in recent years in this field, mainly attributed to the rapid development of numerical simulations. In this talk, I will first give a general introduction to black hole accretion; then I will focus on discussing the main development in this field in recent years, namely wind launched from accretion flow, including its observational evidence, launching mechanism, and role played in AGN feedback and galaxy evolution.


个人简介:袁峰,中国科学院上海天文台研究员。他1997年于中国科技大学获得博士学位,随后先后赴南京大学、德国马普射电天文研究所、美国哈佛大学、普渡大学等进行博士后研究工作。2005年入选科学院百人计划回国到上海天文台工作,现任上海天文台学术委员会主任、上海天文台副台长。主要研究方向是黑洞吸积理论、活动星系核、星系演化、黑洞双星等。发表论文100余篇,包括在ARA&A上的一篇综述论文。近年来连续入选爱斯维尔高被引学者榜单,在IAU Symposium等国际会议做邀请报告40余次。



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