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 张艳阳 教授

教育背景 博士

研究领域 凝聚态理论和计算

研究方向 拓扑材料、二维材料、量子输运、无序与局域化

电子邮箱 yanyang@gzhu.edu.cn

所在系所 物理系

办公地点 电子信息楼609







   从事凝聚态物理、材料物理的理论和计算的研究。在Physical Review Letters, Physical Review B, New Journal of Physics, Applied Physics Letters等期刊上发表论文40余篇,涉及新奇量子材料、拓扑材料、二维材料、铁基超导体等材料中的量子输运、拓扑态和局域化等问题。









1.  非公度异质结构的拓扑态和量子输运,国家自然科学基金面上项目(2018-2021 

2.  二维材料的物理性质及纳米电子器件的理论模拟,国家重大科研仪器研制项目子课题(2015-2019

3.  拓扑绝缘体中体态与边界态相互影响的机制及其调控,国家自然科学基金面上项目(2014-2017

4.  狄拉克费米子-超导体结中的非局域输运研究,国家自然科学基金青年基金(2013-2015



1.  分立量子点可控高效纳米发光器件机理及其制备基础研究,国家科技部973项目(2013-2017 

2.  量子信息与量子科技前沿协同创新中心,教育部2011计划项目(2012-2017



1. S.-S. Wang, Y.-Y. Zhang*, J.-H. Guan, Y. Yu, Y. Xia, and S.-S. Li, "Numerical study of disorder on the orbital magnetization in two dimensions", Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, accepted (2020).

2. S.-S. Wang, Y.-Y. Zhang*, J.-H. Guan, Y. Yu, Y. Xia, and S.-S. Li, "Localization trajectory and Chern-Simons axion coupling for bilayer quantum anomalous Hall systems", Physical Review B 99, 125414 (2019).

3. L. Liu, Y. Yu, H.-B. Wu, Y.-Y. Zhang*, J.-J. Liu, and S.-S. Li, “Chiral zero energy modes in two-dimensional disordered Dirac semimetals”, Physical Review B, 97, 155302 (2018).

4. J.-H. Guan, Y.-Y. Zhang*, W.-E. Lu, Y. Xia, and S.-S. Li, “Barrier tunneling of the loop-nodal semimetal in the hyperhoneycomb lattice”, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 30, 185402 (2018).

5. Z.-G. Song, S. Bose, W. Fan, D. H. Zhang, Y.-Y. Zhang, and S.-S. Li, “Quantum spin Hall effect and topological phase transition in InNxBiySb1-x-yquantum wells”, New Journal of Physics. 19, 073031 (2017).

6. K. Li and Y.-Y. Zhang*, “Spin-filtered and spatially distinguishable crossed Andreev reflection in a silicene-superconductor junction”, Physical Review B, 94, 165441 (2016).

7. Z-G. Song, Y.-Y. Zhang*, J.-T. Song, and S.-S. Li., “Route towards localization for quantum anomalous Hall systems with Chern number 2”, Scientific Reports, 6, 19018 (2016).

8. S.-B. Zhang, Y.-Y. Zhang, and S.-Q. Shen, “Robustness of quantum spin Hall effect in an external magnetic field”. Physical Review B, 90, 115305 (2014).

9. Y.-Y. Zhang, M. Shen, X.-T. An, Q.-F. Sun, X.-C. Xie, K. Chang, and Shu-Shen, “Coexistence and decoupling of bulk and edge states in disordered two-dimensional topological insulators”. Physical Review B, 90, 054205 (2014).

10. Z.-G. Song, Y.-Y. Zhang*, and S.-S. Li, “The topological insulator in a fractal space”. Applied Physics Letters, 104, 233106 (2014).

11. Y.-Y. Zhang and S.-Q. Shen, “Algebraic and geometric mean density of states in topological Anderson insulators”. Physical Review B, 88, 195145 (2013).

12. Y.-Y. Zhang, W.-F. Tsai, K. Chang, X.-T. An, G.-P. Zhang, X.-C. Xie, and S.-S. Li, “Electron delocalization in gate-tunable gapless silicene”. Physical Review B, 88, 125431 (2013).

13. Y.-Y. Zhang, R.-L. Chu, F.-C. Zhang, and S.-Q. Shen, “Localization and mobility gap in the topological Anderson insulator”, PhysicalReview B, 85, 035107 (2012).

14. X.-T. An Y.-Y. Zhang, J.-J. Liu and S.-S. Li, “Spin-polarized current induced by a local exchange field in a silicene nanoribbon”, New Journal of Physics, 14, 083039 (2012).

15. Y.-Y. Zhang, X.-R. Wang and X C Xie, “Three-dimensional topological insulator in a magnetic field: chiral side surface states and quantized Hall conductance”, Journalof Physics: Condensed Matter, 24, 015004 (2012).

16. Y.-Y. Zhang, C. Fang, X. Zhou, K. Seo, W.-F. Tsai, B. A. Bernevig, and J.-P. Hu, “Quasiparticle scattering interference in superconducting iron pnictides”, Physical Review B, 80, 094528 (2009).

17. Y.-Y. Zhang, J.-P. Hu, B. A. Bernevig, X. R. Wang, X. C. Xie, and W. M. Liu, “Localization and the Kosterlitz-Thouless transition in disordered graphene”, Physical Review B, 102 ,106401(2009).

18. Y.-Y. Zhang, J.-P. Hu, B. A. Bernevig, X. R. Wang, X. C. Xie,and W. M. Liu, “Quantum blockade and loop currents in graphene with topological defects”, Physical Review B, 78 ,155413 (2008).










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