Title:Molecular Medicine to Speed Up Human Evolution towards Mars
Speaker: Camilla Luni, Shanghai Institute for Advanced Immunochemical Studies (SIAIS), ShanghaiTech University
Time: 3:45pm, 18 April
Venue: 图书馆副楼5楼报告厅
Abstract: Homo sapiens evolved for millions of years to adapt to the environmental conditions on Earth. Planning for going to Mars is involving only few decades. Microgravity, rarefied atmosphere, cosmic radiations are all big challenges to face, even for the shortest possible trip to Mars. Some criticalities for the human health have been identified in astronauts coming back from space after only few months. Can we make the human body adapt quickly to the hostile space environment? Can we find pharmacological solutions to overcome the consequences of microgravity? In this talk, we will discuss the perspectives of molecular medicine for answering these questions and promote
the human exploration of Mars.
Speaker: Camilla Luni is Research Associate Professor at ShanghaiTech University since 2015. She graduated in Chemical Engineering from the University of Padova. She was post-doctoral scholar at the University of California at Santa Barbara, where she worked within a project involving a consortium of top universities (MIT, Caltech...) and private companies, sponsored by Pfizer. She has previously been affiliated to private foundations for biomedical research, both at the Sansum Diabetes Research Institute in USA and at the Venetian Institute of Molecular Medicine in Italy. Her research interests include the control and understanding of the behavior of human stem cells, for tissue regeneration and precision medicine, using micro-technologies and big data analysis. Since 2018, she is member of the Governing Board of the Association of the Italian Scholars in China (AAIIC).