2023-01-17 17:26:12

(1)    巴丹尼(Denis Bastieri)教授获得2021年度广东省科技合作奖(2022

(2)    舒玉蓉博士在国际物理学顶级期刊Physical Review Letters发表了题为“Nonequilibrium Dynamics of Deconfined Quantum Critical Point in Imaginary Time”的研究成果(2022

(3)    郭凯教授团队在顶级化学类国际学术期刊《Angewandte Chemie》发表论文NaCdSb: An Orthorhombic Zintl Phase with Exceptional Intrinsic Thermoelectric Performance2022

(4)    窦立明博士等研究论文X-ray view of a merging supermassive black hole binary candidateSDSS J1430+2303: Results from the first 200 days ofobservationsAstronomy & Astrophysics杂志以快报发表,得到海内外科技媒体广泛报导(2022

(5)    研究生冼竞滔在导师张福鹏副教授的指导下,以第一作者在《 The Astrophysical Journal Letters 》上发表题为 X-ray Quasi-periodic Eruptions driven by Star-Disc Collisions : Application to GSN069 and Probing the Spin of Massive Black Holes的研究论文(2021

(6)    陈龙斌副教授在国际物理学顶级期刊《Physical Review Letters》上发表了题为“Next-to-next-to-leading order calculation of quasiparton distribution functions 的研究成果(2021

(7)    Nature Astronomy》发表陈曦教授课题组研究论文New maser species tracing spiral-arm accretion flows in a high-mass young stellar object2020

(8)    张涛教授在国际Top期刊《Journal of Materials Science & Technology》封面刊登综述论文Recent progresses on designing and manufacturing of bulk refractory alloys with high performances based on controlling interfaces2020

(9)    樊军辉教授2016年发表在《Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series》的论文The spectral energy distributions of fermi blazars获得IOP中国高被引作者奖(2019

(10)  Physical Review Letters》刊登刘军丰教授课题组理论研究进展Quantized Field-Effect Tunneling between Topological Edge or Interface States2019

(11)  葛军博士、潘书生教授等在《Nanoscale》发表论文Flexible artificial nociceptor using a bio-polymer based forming-free memristor,被选为Back Cover封面报道(2018

(12)  张靖仪教授2014-2021年连续入选Elsevier中国高被引学者榜单

(13)  毛业伟博士等在《Astrophysical Journal》发表的研究论文Internal Variations in Empirical Oxygen Abundances for Giant H ii Regions in the Galaxy NGC 2403被国家自然科学基金委员会、中国科学院国家天文台等网站报导(2018

(14)  Nature Communications》发表张成云博士等研究论文Lighting up silicon nanoparticles with Mie resonances2018

(15)  窦立明博士等在《Astrophysical Journal Letters》发表的论文Discovery of a Mid-infrared Echo from the TDE Candidate in the Nucleus of ULIRG F01004-2237被美国天文学会研究亮点网站(AAS Nova)评为研究亮点(2017

(16)  郭康贤教授课题组获得2016年广东省科学技术奖励三等奖